Sam Altman will give himself 7% of Open AI which at its current valuation of $150B would be $10.5B in shares

Sam Altman Can Not Be Trusted

Mira left

it started open

One of us misled congress

fast car for a slow guy

who is getting it right

  • Dario Amodei


    Dario is the CEO of Anthropic, the company behind the large language model series Claude AI. They stay out of drama and just ship really, really good products.

    Dario was previously the vice president of research at OpenAI.

  • Elon Musk


    Elon, thank you for all of the amazing and incredible technology you have brought into the world. I have loads of your hardware and can't wait to buy more. Grok is incredible.

    Elon was a founding member of OpenAI.

  • Mark Zuckerberg


    Mark, you're absolutely crushing it. What you're doing for the open source community is already changing the world. I like you for the first time ever but it's quite a bit more than that. I'm rooting for you man.

  • Sergey Brin


    Sergey, it's so cool to see you back in action. Your presence is felt. If Google can figure out their weird biases they would have a top 2 model. If anyone can "save" them, it's you. Godspeed.

  • Andrej karpathy


    The generosity of this man knows no bounds. He's contributed enormous volumes of work back to the community.

    Eureka Labs, an “AI Native School”, will be a gift to the world. Thank you.

    Andrej was a research scientist and a founding member at OpenAI.

  • Ilya Sutskever


    Possibly the greatest mind of our generation. Only last in the list because he's the most recent one to start his own shop.
    Ilya, it's wonderful to see you out of the basement and I hope you flourish as your share your gift with the world. Excited to see the path you pave on the way to SSI.

    Ilya co-founded and is a former chief scientist at OpenAI.

why make a fuss

  • Realistic, Valid Concern

    Sam Altman's behavior is borderline dangerous at this point. This software is incredibly powerful and it's critical to the survival of the human race that we aren't cavalier in the development of it. Safe is behaviong innapropriately given the severity and responsibility needed for the task at hand.

    Clearly he values fame more than safety.

  • I'm tired of the sam altman aesthetic, he's so ohio

    This software can be built in a drama-free transparent way. We don't have to induce trauma to all of TPOT (aren't they your friends?) by edging X with strawberries. I wouldn't be surprised if Sam just sees X as a place to fuck with Elon.
    Whatever the reason, it was dramatically irresponsible and terrifying that he appeared to enjoy it.

What i want

  • A Conversation

    All I want is to find a few like-minded investors who want to move quickly and thread the needle on this opportunity.

  • One Shot at building this

    I know I can do it, I just need to find the person who believes in me.

  • Immediate Investment

    I'm going to raise 7 figures by Thanksgiving and 8 figures by December 31st.

  • To build my own model

    Sam Altman's behavior is terrifying. I quit my job to try and speedrun another good alternative. There's the smallest opportunity to do so but we have to move fast.

why will beebe

  • I know exactly how to get there

    I understand the tech (and it's limitations) deeply. I also know how to make this profitable from day one and how to scale it to the globe. I'm ready to back that up immediately.

  • I Build Compelling Products

    Break your back to make the user happy and the app useful. Listen to feedback. Admit mistakes.

    That's the secret.

an invitation

  • Jana Iris

    Jana, you are nothing short of extraordinary. I would be honored if TQ Ventures was at all interested in leading or co-leading my first round.

    The offer expires at high noon on Friday (PST).

  • David Shim

    David, I still have so much to learn from you. I know you're a busy guy but I would be honored if you wanted to participate in anything from a board seat or more.

    The offer expires at high noon on Friday (PST).

non-traditional funding

  • If the woman who taught us all how to shake it off has any interest in helping, I already know what I'd ask her help in building.

    Your music is fantastic, but I've been watching you build since the beginning. The meticulous assembly of every element, and how much you actually care is inspiring. To top it off, the messages you chooses to influence young women with are positive.

    I'd take your money as an excuse to ask you questions, but what I really want is to work with you. I'd ask you to embed the shake it off spirit into the heart of Ada, one of the future AI products targeted at younger developers and generally curious kiddos.

    Name your price Taylor.

    Offer expires Dec 31.

how you can help

  • Spread the word!

    All I ask is that you help spread the word.

    If this resonates with you, please post a link to this site, a meme, or both.


  • Merch

    Save a puppy while saving humanity. Check out the #donttrustsam merch.

    Any money made is donated to the Seattle Animal Shelter.

    Please FEEL FREE to make your own merch. Black background, white letters. Go nuts!

  • Meme it!

    Make memes!

    For an easy to use photoshop-like FREE editing tool, use Dignboard. For something a bit simpler, start here.

  • Be Creative

    Sam: "I use perfect paper every day. My cleaning lady loves to dive into my pile of used notes and make snow angels before picking them up like I pay her to do. Lol I'm so messy."

    Will: "Wow. What floor were you guys on? The last infrastructure diagram I made I drew on the rusty wall of of a truck stop. You don't want to know what I used for ink! Do ya? Do ya?"

  • Who TF is WILL BEEBE

    If it gets a laugh or helps the cause, feel free to meme the living crap out of me.

    Looking for dunkable content? Here is some to get started.